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Friday 8 March 2013

That’s Why She’s Named Woman

Imaging what the world would be without women; perhaps Adam referring to a Dolphin after a day’s assignment in a solo tone: “beautiful hmm” or “dear” or “darling hmm.” You complete that and note how it sounds! Perhaps you become the “holy Adam” in a very small island-lonely like a single bee-hunting nectar in dry season. You’ll have every reason to question your existence because even the prettiest baboon or name it (any creature) won’t complement your solitary confinement. A world without a woman is like: A tree without a fruit (shades kill no hunger;) bulb without light; candle without a tread; a man without clothing; race without a prize; tree without shade; Beauty without figure; Content without container; Earth without Heaven; Eggs without yolk; Fish without water Heavens without the stars; Jewellery without pearls; Ocean without an outlet (receives just like the Dead Sea;) Sky without a dew or rain. Did I hear you say “Burger without meat”? You are not too far from my definitions. Call her what you could as well: She’s never spelled without a man. She portrays a field of roses; beauty to behold, her inner virtues complement her beauty more than her physical appearance. Call her weaker vessel, out of her weaknesses came great men who complete the pages of history-and yet many unborn leaders. She’s Supportive, a companion, an admirer she becomes. She thinks in units, creative and patient enough to combine just little to reach many. Able and willing to sacrifice her own pleasure for others, even her husband. Condemn her through her flaws, she makes you lesser: show her and walk her through the leaking spots and she embraces the little you offer and makes it real. No man can take the place of a woman. As cognitive as a man would always be, he likes to deal with facts and very logical in some reasonable ways-it doesn’t make him less emotional though. Women, real women are more attached, more attracted to people, even more to their children. They spell out functions and necessary actions with a large heart-full of emotions. For every little girl you see out there (hey, not through the back door) she will grow to become somewhat a builder, an influence, a motivator like Napoleon Bonaparte puts it:
“The future destiny of a child is the work of a mother.”
They are custodians of generational values and destiny; they are neither toys nor instruments of no value. Make them what you want your future leaders to be. They are important citizens and supreme assets:
“When all is said; it is the mother and the mother only who is the better citizen that the soldier who fights for this country. The successful mother, the mother who does her part in rearing and training aright boys and girls who are to be the men and women of the next generation is of greater use to the community. The mother is a supreme asset of national life. She is more important by far than the successful businessman or statesman or artist or scientist.”
Such words from Theodore Roosevelt said it all. In every seed lies big trees; in every egg is a portion of yolk and perhaps a huge cock. In every little girl or a lady lie generations, leaders-great men and women. Make them who you want the future leaders to become, violate every little girl/lady/woman you meet today-you violated not only an individual but many seeds in her. Women deserve sincere courtesy-to say less-little as I may call that. They are gold to be adored-even though they could be very funny sometimes. They are no saints unless you make one. That’s what makes the difference. Make them what you want to see of your future leaders. They are no toys, not objects subject to violation. Treat them right. Do me a little favour by saying at least to one person-not a man-one lady on the street or in your office or just any where today: “Happy Women’s Day!”

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